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Whats Your Goal?

Weight Loss

Burn fat, tone up, improve health

How do I get Abs? Do you have weight loss tips? Whats the best diet? These are some of the main questions I get asked and the answer is simple! A personalised training plan set around your current fitness level, time restraints and training environment along with smarter eating. 


With achievable goals and lots of support we will have you making progress in no time. Lifestyle changes at any level are not easy but with a well thought out approach you will be amazed at what you can achieve. 


Health & Fitness

Break down nutrition and training so you can look and feel your best!

I just want to be fit and healthy... 


That sounds like a very modest goal but all too often a simple goal like this can leave us going in circles. The more we read the less certain we become in our nutrition and training approach. 


I will breakdown your nutrition guiding you in how to eat for health, giving your body all the nutrients it needs to thrive.


When it comes to your training program I will also factor in any time constraints you may have. I will keep it well rounded ensuring you are strong, toned, supple and your energy levels are great!


Build Muscle

Improve muscle size and definition. Learn how to eat and how to train.

Building muscle is about creating a growth response with your training and then fueling your recovery. In essence to get bigger muscles we need a strong enough stimulus in our training, then to balance that work with enough total fuel and rest to recover and grow bigger. 


The tricky bit is knowing how much volume and intensity its going to take to get that stimulus. This is an ever moving target and we will have to cycle your training program to keep you in the sweet spot. 

Then we look at your macro-nutrient numbers ensuring they will be efficient to fuel your workouts and muscle growth while not putting on unnecessary fat. 


#Flexfriday! My training for a large par

Strength & Performance

Push your limits!
Get stronger, fitter and faster.

Training for a performance goal is probably one of the most enjoyable types of programming you can do as a coach. 


I love taking a client and getting them lifting more, running faster, turning quicker and performing better. I've worked with a variety of people from boxers, rugby players, ice hockey players, powerlifters to OCR competitors, golfers and casual runners.

What they all had in common was a desire to perform better.  

"Since starting James's program I feel fresher, faster and more powerful in games"

- Anthony Baskerville.


On a strength and performance program we will discuss your sport and what factors you feel are holding you back. I will then construct a program that will improve your weak points whilst bolstering your strengths.

Periodisation will be used to ensure you're training the right way at all times. Some example considerations are:


- Peaking for a powerlifting meet.

- Sustaining performance and avoiding burnout.

- Turning up to game day fresh and switched on.

- Progressing and pushing your training hard out of season.

- Making weight whilst staying at peak performance for a competition or fight.

- Recovery after an intense event or race.


All elements of your training will be discussed and together we will construct a complete program with training phases that work alongside your sport. 


How I Will Help You!

I will:


- Listen to any medical needs and factor them into your program.

- Help you make your diet as well rounded as possible, minimising the need for any supplements. 

- Respect any special dietary needs including plant based, vegan, intolerance's, allergies and religious factors such as fasting.

- Manage calories and macro-nutrients​.

- Get you into a sensible and sustainable caloric deficit. 

- Help you maintain your progress   


I won't:


- Sell you special teas, tablets or shakes. 

- Get you to follow a rigid meal plan. 

- Ban entire food groups. 

- Put you on the latest fad diet that happens to be trending on instagram. 

- Starve you into weight loss. 


We can also look at other lifestyle factors such as managing stress, getting enough sleep and obviously, as mentioned above exercise. 

Ok, so maybe that's not the most glamorous list you've ever seen but it works!




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